[logo] slr tux nz

Design is planning and then executing on that plan - something I got good at with years of software development and systems management. The creative, arty side of design is envisioning a concept and bringing it into reality. The two are not very different, just as with photography pre-visualising a photograph helps you get it right in camera.

As along the IT path I had picked up web design, I had to expand my skills with both the technical coding and the aesthetic side. Colour palettes, layout, and so much more.

And as the 'not-an-artist' computer 'nerd' I have done many projects across a spectrum of 'design' ranging from websites, their back-end code, icons and logos - to calendars, CD artwork and book covers.

Round TUIT I am going to share the 'secret' on just how I actually get all these projects completed so efficiently.
I have … a rΟund tuit.